Maritime Experience Center
in Aalborg
Here you can find all the information you need to plan your next visit. You will find lots of information about the experience center and the things you can see and experience here.
At Springeren Maritime Experience Center we welcome you all year. We are open for visitors 360 days each year, see our openings hours here.
We have gathered more objects, that relate to seafaring over the years in a wooden box, and added some technical activities the teaching can center about.
Pirate Party and Treasurehunt with all your friends? Birthday Party at the Springer cost from 65kr. per kid. See our Birthday Packages here.
At the Springer you learn about seafaring through fun and active play. You can challenge yourself in the sailing simulator or try our interactive pirate game.
Submarine Springeren
How narrow is life on a submarine? Find out for yourself, when you discover inside the 53,9 meter long Springeren.